Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
What is the RRI?
La responsible research and innovation (RRI) is an approach developed in recent years and internationally consolidated that seeks to anticipate and assess the potential implications and social expectations regarding research and innovation (R&I), with the aim of making them inclusive and sustainable.
The RRI pursues a more open and more connected science, so as to reduce the existing gap between the scientific field and society. It promotes the involvement and collaboration of the various social actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, companies, etc.) to better align the results of R&I with the values, needs and expectations of people.
Who participates in the RRI?
The RRI involves the participation of all stakeholders: from research staff from the scientific community to the citizens themselves, including institutions, governments, the industrial or educational sector through inclusive and participatory methodologies, in all stages of the research and development processes. innovation, and at all levels of the research and innovation process (from design, to implementation and evaluation).
In the end, this diverse range of actors implies a broader approach to social expectations, ethical values, as well as a science that takes more into account the needs of the real world.
The RRI seeks to bring to light the problems related to research and innovation in order to anticipate their consequences, and to engage society in discussing how science and technology can help create the kind of world and society we want for future generations.
National Open Science Strategy (ENCA) 2023-2027
What does ibs.GRANADA propose regarding RRI?
The European Commission has determined more specific regulatory guidelines in the form of six lines of action that RRI should promote.
La organizational structure of the ibs.GRANADA it must be capable of responding and adapting to changes and advances in research and innovation and, in turn, must promote shared responsibility among all the actors.
The governance arrangements they have to:
- Be robust and adaptable to the unpredictable development of research and innovation (de facto management).
- Be familiar enough to align with existing practices.
- Share responsibility among all actors.
- Provide governance instruments to foster this shared responsibility.
El ibs.GRANADA has the following participatory governance bodies:
- Governing Council
- Direction team
- External Scientific Committee
- Internal Scientific Committee
La research and innovation which develops in the ibs.GRANADA they must respect fundamental rights and abide by the most demanding ethical standards to ensure that the results obtained are acceptable and relevant to society. For this, the ibs.GRANADA has:
It implies break gender stereotypes y foster research groups and institutions with gender equalityespecially in decision-making bodies. Promotes compliance with the gender dimension in research and innovation through gender balance in teams and in decision-making bodies to improve the quality and social relevance of the results.
- Equality Commission
- Equality Plan
- Human Resource Plan
- Protocol for prevention and action in situations of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex
- Pregnancy and lactation protection procedure
- Adherence to the HRS4R Human Resources Strategy
Activities related to gender equality organized and/or participated in by the ibs.GRANADA:
- ibs.GRANADA celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with a diverse agenda of inspiring and educational activities from February 9 to 23, 2024 on the occasion of the 11th Day of Women and Girls in Science.
- Research session “Incorporate the gender perspective in health research: why and how” of 22/11/2022
- Workshop with students from the first cycle of primary school at CEIP Abencerrajes on 'Healthy habits to prevent type 2 diabetes: Biomarkers Workshop' given by Dr. Sonia Morales on 24/02/2023 on the occasion of the 11th Day of Women and Girls in Science.
- Participation in the VI CONFERENCE OF THE CARLOS III HEALTH INSTITUTE. Women's leadership in science: discussion with the scientific directors of the Health Research Institutes (IIS) the 01 / 02 / 2023
- Participation in the colloquium 'The role of women in science today' in the 'Salud a todo Twitch' program with ibs.GRANADA researchers on 9/02/2022.
- Participation of the Scientific Director in the round table 'Grenadian women who do science' organized by the Granada City Council on 6/02/2022.
- Interview in the ABC newspaper (Dr. María José Sánchez)
It implies a free and transparent access to research results in order to generate a better, more collaborative science that results in faster innovation at a global level.
- Open Access Publishing Help Guide
- Support guide for the creation of the Data Management Plan (DMP)
- Award for the best scientific publications 2021
- Award for the best scientific publications 2022
- Grants for Open Access Publishing and in collaboration between different groups of the Institute
- 2024 Program for Strengthening Research Areas at the ibs.GRANADA
It focuses on the improvement of the educational process to provide citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge so that they can participate in science policy making, in decision-making and facing social challenges; and to promote the increase in the number of researchers (promote scientific vocations).
- Activities for 11-F Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024
- I Dissemination Course for research staff of the ibs.GRANADA with the aim of providing ibs.GRANADA researchers with the basic tools necessary to carry out interventions in the media (press, radio and television) and to encourage researchers to disseminate their knowledge through the media and through talks both in dissemination forums and scientific congresses in an informative way and with a simple and accessible language for citizens.
- II Dissemination Course for ibs.GRANADA research staff
- Open Day and Guided Visit to the ibs.GRANADA Platform for Animal Models and Experimental Surgery
- Conference on prevention and awareness of prostate cancer organized together with the Provincial Board of the AECC of Granada and aimed at professionals in Primary Care and hospitals interested in the prevention of prostate cancer, as well as citizens, patient associations, prostate cancer patients, etc. (News about the day)
- Science Week Activities 2023
- Science Week Activities 2022
- Science Week Activities 2021
- Science Week Activities 2020
- Science Week Activities 2019
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2024
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2023
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2022
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2021
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2020
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2019
- Activities of the European Researchers' Night 2016
- ibs.GRANADA research sessions to publicize the research activity of the institute's research groups to training specialists, hospital healthcare personnel, the scientific and business community, users of the healthcare system and the general public.
- Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I)
La RRI search improve and promote the participation of society, to give voice and listen to citizens and so that they have a more relevant and inclusive role in all phases of research and innovation, in order to promote a more diverse and inclusive science and take into account the concerns and expectations of society.
El ibs.GRANADA promotes the citizen participation in their decision-making bodies with the incorporation to the Internal Scientific Committee and the Image and Communication Commission of Antonio Hermoso Quintana who is:
- spokesperson for the Platform of Patient Associations of Granada
- President of the Ostomy Association of Granada, AOGRA
- President of the Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Association, ACCU Granada
- Member of the Humanization Commission of the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital
Citizen participation activities organized by the ibs.GRANADA:
- Meeting of the Scientific Directorate of ibs.GRANADA with the Patient Associations of Granada (19 / 09 / 23)
- Working day "Researchers and Patient Associations of Granada: Moving Forward Together"(News about the day)
- Open Day and Guided Visit to the ibs.GRANADA Platform for Animal Models and Experimental Surgery
- Conference on prevention and awareness of prostate cancer organized together with the Provincial Board of the AECC of Granada and aimed at professionals in Primary Care and hospitals interested in the prevention of prostate cancer, as well as citizens, patient associations, prostate cancer patients, etc. (News about the day)
- Participation of patient associations in the annual conferences organized by the scientific areas.
- Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I)
How to incorporate citizen participation in the design of projects developed at the ibs.GRANADA?
Regarding the form of citizen participation (non-scientific key players in the system) in research we can differentiate four levels, depending on their degree of interaction:
Unidirectional interaction, in which the research activity is communicated to the different actors in the system, with balanced and objective information.
Consult our plans
Researchers obtain the views of system actors on key aspects of the research.
Work is done bidirectionally (dialogue) and directly with interest groups so that aspirations and concerns are understood and considered together before decision-making.
We work jointly and multidirectionally associating with the different actors of the system in each aspect of the decision.
Depending on the level of participation of citizens and key stakeholders in the research process, different methods can be used. using the tool Engage2020 Action Catalog Different methods of citizen participation in project design are proposed.
Engage2020 Action Catalog is a tool of decision support which aims to enable researchers, policy makers and others wishing to conduct inclusive research to find the method that best suits the specific needs of your projects.
The catalog consists of 57 methods focused on research driven by participation and inclusion. The tool allows you to search for 57 different methods based on 32 different criteria, with the possibility of weighting the importance of each criterion.