Strategic plan

The Strategic Plan reflects the general objectives and strategies of the ibs.GRANADA, together with the definition of the development plans that have been considered appropriate to facilitate the achievement of this, plans for which a temporary execution schedule has also been defined, within of the period of the validity of the Strategic Plan.
The ibs.GRANADA Strategic Plan has been developed within the framework of European planning delimited by the Horizon Europe Program (2021-2027), as well as the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy (2021-2027), the Plan State Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2024-2027, and the main planning documents at the Andalusian level, such as the R&D&i Strategy of Andalusia (EIDIA)-Horizon 2027 and the Health Research and Innovation Strategy 2020-2023.
Download Strategic Plan 2024-2028
The Strategic Plan is supported by the following action plans: