EURAXESS network

The EURAXESS network supports researchers, regardless of their area of specialization, nationality and/or location, in important administrative matters when carrying out their transfer. Through advice on issues such as European funding in R&D and Innovation, visa processing or qualification approval, among others, the aim is to facilitate the process of arrival and integration of the scientist at the destination chosen for the development of his/her research career.
EURAXESS is an initiative of the European Commission that has more than 300 research support centers and 40 affiliated countries. It acts as a support instrument to achieve the strategic objectives of the European Research Area (ERA), such as the elimination of barriers to mobility and the attraction and retention of research talent to Europe.
To carry out these objectives we have the following tools:
Jobs and funds
It is a tool where researchers can find up-to-date information on job offers, funding opportunities or scholarships throughout Europe, or where they can insert their CV so that interested organizations can contact them.
In this section you can find recommendations, both for researchers and for centers, on how to promote a research career, find training resources, collections of good practices and strategies to improve the skills of researchers.
It is a collaborative tool that allows you to search and find people and organizations to develop a project.
Information and Assistance
Through this section, you can contact more than 500 Centers, located in 40 European countries, which offer researchers and their families help to organize their trip abroad, information on accommodation, visa, work permit, language courses , medical assistance, education centers for their children or social security, among others.