This first Monday in November, the Granada Biosanitary Research Institute has inaugurated its Science Weeks 2024 with the activity entitled “Microbiota and Plastics: Discover their Influence on your Health”, taught by Ana López Moreno, Alicia Ruiz Rodríguez, Victoria Romero Gómez, Gracia Luque Aguilera and Pilar Ortiz Sandoval, researchers from the E15-EXPODIET group: Food exhibition […]
The study “Cardiobarómetro español”, published in the international journal “Social Science & Medicine”, investigates how people interpret different combinations of symptoms of acute coronary syndrome. People are more likely to delay seeking medical attention when they do not have severe chest pain. Women take longer to seek help, although […]
Created by researchers from the Granada Biosanitary Research Institute ibs.GRANADA and the University of Granada and approved by the Spanish Medicines Agency The national newspaper ABC has presented its 2024 Health Awards. The artificial skin 'UGRSKIN', designed by the Tissue Engineering Group of the Granada Biosanitary Research Institute ibs.GRANADA and the Department of […]
The scientific director of the ibs.GRANADA and professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP), Mª José Sánchez, has received the Muy Interesante award for Women Scientists in the Medicine/Health category. The scientific director of the ibs.GRANADA and professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP), an entity attached to the General Secretariat of Public Health […]
The Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada presents a new program of activities, workshops and guided tours to celebrate the Week
Event Details
El Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada presents a new program of activities, workshops and guided tours to celebrate the Science Week in Andalusia with visitors of all ages between November 4 and 17.
El ibs.GRANADA participate this year with:
We will explore how not all microorganisms are bad, the benefits of good microorganisms for human health, their influence on our well-being, and how plastics can negatively affect our gut microbiota and, consequently, our health. In addition, we will learn the different techniques for analyzing gut microbiota and perform an experiment to observe the diversity of skin microbiota.
Participants: Students of the CFGM of Laboratory Operations of the CES Ramón y Cajal
Informative talk on the impact of lower back pain in the general population and its management through active strategies. This will be followed by a practical workshop that will include activities such as correcting postural hygiene, performing specific exercises and presenting recommendations to improve mobility. Finally, participants will be able to explore their movement capacity through recreational activities, encouraging a dynamic and participatory approach.
Date: Tuesday, November 5
Time: 10: 00 h
Location: Ancha de Capuchinos Gerontological Center
Participates: Users of the Ancha de Capuchinos Gerontological Center
A two-day workshop will be held at the Homo Sapiens Association to show participants the fascinating microscopic world of bacteria. Homo Sapiens is a non-profit association, founded in 2008, dedicated to the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of inclusive programs, with the main objective of improving the quality of life of people with functional diversity.
The first day will begin with a short presentation of approximately 20 minutes on the importance of microorganisms to society, covering everything from their industrial use to their relevance in the health field. We will then provide culture media for students to grow with their own hands, demonstrating the importance of handwashing (or cleaning surfaces) in removing bacteria. These cultures will be incubated, and the next day we will return with the plates to observe the growth of microorganisms.
In addition, on the second day we will bring antibiograms to explain the importance of antibiotics, and preparations of microorganisms so that participants can observe them under a microscope. If the association's management agrees, we will show in a workshop some of the methods we follow in the laboratory to identify new antibiotics.
Dates: Wednesday, November 6th and Thursday, November 7th
Participants: Users of the Homo Sapiens Association
We are going to talk about the equipment/machines that we use to do research in the laboratories. The activity to be carried out consists of an “interactive competition” between groups of children/young people using mobile phones, with an explanation/discussion of the contents. There will be a winner, which will motivate participation.
Participants: 4th year ESO students from the Juan XXIII School in Cartuja
In this workshop we will explore how a simple food, red cabbage, can be turned into a fascinating scientific tool to measure the pH of different substances. Red cabbage contains natural pigments called anthocyanins, which change color depending on the acidity or alkalinity level of the solutions they come into contact with. During this activity, we will learn concepts about pH and anthocyanins and experience the pH-indicating property of red cabbage with different acidic and basic solutions.
Date: Thursday, November 7
Schedule: In 3 shifts: 9:15 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Location:Biomedical Research Center.
Speakers: José Ángel Rufián Henares. Researcher of the group E07-RESEARCH IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CHILDREN from the ibs.GRANADA, Adriana Delgado Osorio, Angela Toledano Marin and Miguel Navarro Moreno.
Participants: Students from Caja Granada School, 3rd year of ESO
In this talk, we will explore how statistical data analysis techniques are essential to identify the factors that cause diseases, thus helping to develop new treatments or preventive measures to combat them. You will see how mathematics becomes tools to understand and improve the health of the population, bringing the abstract world of numbers closer to real life.
Participants: 5th and 6th grade students from CEIP Los Cármenes
This workshop will show you why cardiovascular diseases are so important and why we need to discover new drugs to prevent and treat them. During the activity, you will learn how blood pressure is measured with a practical demonstration, understanding the methods that scientists use in their research. In addition, we will explore how blood vessels respond to different stimuli in vascular reactivity studies. You will participate in simulations where you will be able to see how researchers test new treatments! These tests are essential to develop safe and effective drugs, which can improve the lives of millions of people with heart problems. By the end, you will have a clear idea of how scientific research is helping to combat cardiovascular diseases and how you could be part of the future of health as a researcher.
Date: Monday, November 11
Time: 09: 00 h
Location: Computer Room. Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Granada.
This activity will consist of a series of informative talks on the latest advances in the development of advanced therapies carried out by the Group of tissue engineering of the ibs.GRANADA and the UGR through the use of biomaterials and cells for clinical applications. In addition, there will be a guided tour of the tissue engineering laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, where new drugs in development and their potential in regenerative medicine will be presented.
Date: Thursday, November 7
Schedule: 12: 30 h
Location: Faculty of Medicine
Speaker: David Sanchez Porras, Paula Avila Fernandez and Miguel Etayo Escanilla. Researchers of the group TEC03-Tissue Engineering .
Participants: Second year Baccalaureate students from Cristo Rey School
To make known the main hereditary nephropathies, the value of the genogram and how they can be addressed from the perspective of primary prevention
Date: November 12th
Location: Marqués de Mondéjar Civic Center in Granada (Free entry)
Participants: 3th and 4th grade students from CEIP Los Cármenes
It will be explained how medicines based on cells or tissues are manufactured in the Cell Production Unit of the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital/ibs.GRANADA
Date: Thursday, November 14
Schedule: 10: 00 h
Location: Cell Production Unit of the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital/ibs.GRANADA
Participants: Students from IES La Zafra, 4th year of ESO
To teach and reinforce the importance of hand hygiene as a key measure in preventing infections in the healthcare environment. In addition, the workshop aims to provide theoretical knowledge on the risks associated with inadequate hand hygiene, as well as training in the correct technique to ensure effective application of infection control measures.
Participants: Students of the Intermediate Degree Cycle “Auxiliary Nursing Care” of the CFI Reina Isabel
Workshops within the funded project Medication with Science, to raise awareness about appropriate medication consumption and the dangers of self-medication without a prescription, in a population in which the rates of unauthorised drug consumption are increasingly high.
We will begin with an introduction to the essential molecules of our organisms and the need to understand them. We will then present proteomics by mass spectrometry as a leading technology in the characterization of the human proteome.
Date: Monday, November 4
Location: Faculty of Sciences of the University of Granada
Participants: Students from 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate at CES Ramón y Cajal
In this interactive activity we will debunk some popular myths about cancer and its causes and learn how we can reduce our risk of developing this disease, based on official recommendations based on high-quality scientific evidence (European Code Against Cancer).
Participants: 4th year ESO students from IES La Zafra (Motril)
We will talk about the magnitude of cancer and the most frequent cancers. The most important risk factors for the development of different types of cancer will be detailed. We will talk about the European code against cancer and the importance of prevention, because 40% of cancer cases can be prevented. This activity is a Coffee with Science, so a small breakfast will be given to the students who participate in the activity.
We present the V Course on Laboratory Techniques applicable to Biomedical Research: Translational Research, organized by the ibs.GRANADA. The main objective of the course is to bring basic research closer to
El main goal The course is to bring basic research closer to clinical and health services: Translational Research, through the following specific objectives:
Know the laboratory equipment used for biosanitary research: technical characteristics and techniques used.
Know the applicability of these techniques in Biomedical Research and their translation to clinical practice.
To know the resources available in the Scientific-Technological Support Platforms and their applications in biosanitary research.
The course will be held on Wednesdays in November (November 6, 13, 20, 27) and December 4, 2024, in online mode (the link will be sent the day before each Wednesday).
Days November 6, 13, 20, 27: from 9:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.
December 4th: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
To register it is necessary to complete the online registration through the following linkUntil the October 30, 2024 at 15:00 p.m.For registration it is essential to attach proof of payment. The email address provided during registration will be used for all necessary communications with students.
The course has a cost of 60€. Trainees (Master's students/Predocs/Junior postdocs/Others) have a 50% discount: 30€.
The number of places is limited to a total of 50, which will be filled in the order of registration, with preference given to members of the ibs.GRANADA. If the number of registered applicants is exceeded, payment will be refunded to those not selected.
In the current environment of scientific research, proper data management is essential to ensure its integrity, reproducibility and accessibility. For this reason, the ibs.GRANADA is organizing this webinar,
Event Details
In the current environment of scientific research, proper data management is essential to ensure its integrity, reproducibility and accessibility. For this reason, the ibs.GRANADA is organizing this webinar, aimed at researchers in the biomedical field, offering a practical introduction to the development of Data Management Plans (DMP), ranging from planning and data collection to publication and preservation.
Good practices based on open science and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles will be presented, with the aim of promoting ethical and responsible management of data, as well as strategies to guarantee open access to research data under the motto: “as open as possible, as closed as necessary.”
Date y hour:Friday November 15 from 2024 at 13: 30h
When accessing the scientific session, a dialogue window will appear asking for “your email” and “your name”. In both cases you must put your email. This is necessary to be able to verify attendance and obtain the certificate.
The ibs.GRANADA is organizing the Conference Beyond oncological treatment: comprehensive care of the cancer patient, which will take place on Monday, November 18, 2024 at the Salón
Provide accessible and useful information to patients, family members and caregivers on how to approach comprehensive care beyond cancer treatment, highlighting the importance of physical, emotional and psychosocial well-being.
Provide emotional and psychosocial support to patients and their families, highlighting the importance of self-care in recovery and managing the side effects of cancer treatment, such as body image and self-esteem.
To present the Dermo-aesthetic Recommendations Guide and explain its use, highlighting how self-care strategies can improve the quality of life of cancer patients, especially those facing side effects of treatments, such as physical and emotional changes.
Directed to: cancer patients, cancer caregivers, and people interested in comprehensive care of cancer patients.
Encarnación González Flores. Head of the Medical Oncology Department. Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital. Granada
Maria Jose Sanchez. Scientific Director of ibs.GRANADA
II Dissemination Course for ibs research staff.GRANADA Date and time: November 19, 27, 28, 2024 from 16:00 p.m. to 21:00 p.m. Modality: virtual Number of places: 30 Duration: 15 hours Speakers: Carlos Centeno Susana Escudero Pre-registrations until
The ibs.GRANADA is organizing the Primary Care Research Conference in Granada, which will take place on Friday, November 20, 2024 in the School's Auditorium
Event Details
The ibs.GRANADA organizes thePrimary Care Research Conference in Granada, which will take place on Friday November 20th 2024 in the Auditorium of the Andalusian School of Public Health.
La assistance It is free and free with prior registration through the following online formA certificate of attendance will be issued.
Date and time: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 13:30 p.m. Place: Online access at Registration: sessions-de-investigacion-del-ibs-granada/ Speaker: Dr. Felipe Prósper Presentation:
Event Details
Date y hour:Tuesday 26 noviembre from 2024 at 13: 30h
When accessing the scientific session, a dialogue window will appear asking for “your email” and “your name”. In both cases you must put your email. This is necessary to be able to verify attendance and obtain the certificate.
We present the V Course on Laboratory Techniques applicable to Biomedical Research: Translational Research, organized by the ibs.GRANADA. The main objective of the course is to bring basic research closer to
El main goal The course is to bring basic research closer to clinical and health services: Translational Research, through the following specific objectives:
Know the laboratory equipment used for biosanitary research: technical characteristics and techniques used.
Know the applicability of these techniques in Biomedical Research and their translation to clinical practice.
To know the resources available in the Scientific-Technological Support Platforms and their applications in biosanitary research.
The course will be held on Wednesdays in November (November 6, 13, 20, 27) and December 4, 2024, in online mode (the link will be sent the day before each Wednesday).
Days November 6, 13, 20, 27: from 9:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.
December 4th: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
To register it is necessary to complete the online registration through the following linkUntil the October 30, 2024 at 15:00 p.m.For registration it is essential to attach proof of payment. The email address provided during registration will be used for all necessary communications with students.
The course has a cost of 60€. Trainees (Master's students/Predocs/Junior postdocs/Others) have a 50% discount: 30€.
The number of places is limited to a total of 50, which will be filled in the order of registration, with preference given to members of the ibs.GRANADA. If the number of registered applicants is exceeded, payment will be refunded to those not selected.
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