Human Resources Strategy for Researchers of the European Commission (HRS4R)
The Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada (ibs.GRANADA) has adhered to the strategy of 'Excellence in Research Human Resources'of the European Commission (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R)
This strategy supports research institutions and funding entities in the implementation of the principles of La The European Charter of Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
La HRS4R strategy comprises the following stages:
- Adherence to the Charter and Code (C&C) and notification of commitment.
- Preparation of an internal analysis to compare the practices of the institution with the C&C principles and publication of an action plan for the management of human resources.
- Evaluation of the Strategy by the European Commission and in the case of approval, granting of a logo of Excellence in Human Resources (“HRS4R Award”).
- Implementation of the Action Plan in the institution and internal self-evaluation after two years.
- Renewal of recognition by the Commission (5 years after HRS4R recognition).
- Continuous improvement and quality commitment and evaluation of the phases (three-year renewal cycle)
Since January 1, 2017, a new procedure has come into force through which the institutions request the European Commission to obtain this recognition. One of the keys to the procedure is that the institutions progress towards the principles of open, transparent and merit-based contracting (the so-called “Open, Transparent, Merit-based Recruitment”).
The ibs.GRANADA is carrying out the implementation of this strategy to improve working and employment conditions for researchers, making the research career at both institutions more attractive. FIBAO-ibs.GRANADA has submitted its application to join this European strategy in November 2022, presenting an internal analysis that compared the practices carried out in the institution with those recommended by the Charter and the Code, and an action plan to the implementation of those others that are not fulfilled.
En April 2023 ibs.GRANADA - FIBAO has obtained the quality mark "HR Excellence in Research" in recognition, by the European Commission, of the commitment of ibs.GRANADA with the adoption of the principles of the European Charter for Research Personnel and the Code of Conduct for the hiring of research personnel.