Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Platform
This platform integrates all methodological, epidemiological and statistical advice resources that are offered to researchers for the design of research studies and data analysis. The resources of this platform are distributed between the two hospitals and the EASP.
It is located in:
- Ground Floor External Consultations Hospital Universitario San Cecilio-Campus de la Salud.
Methodological advisory services:
- Advice and/or methodological review of the research protocol in the following sections:
- Formulation of hypotheses and objectives
- Choosing the most appropriate epidemiological design
- Operational definition of variables
- Drafting the statistical analysis
- Advice on the validation of questionnaires and other measurement instruments.
- Advice on the presentation of results for scientific dissemination.
- Analysis of the causes of denial: review of articles and projects rejected and proposals for improvement.
Statistical advisory services:
- Drafting of the statistical method or analysis strategy.
- Sampling and calculation of the sample size.
- Database design for research.
- Exploratory and descriptive analysis of the data.
- Inferential analysis (univariate and multivariate).
- Evaluation of diagnostic tests, sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and ROC curves.
- Statistical validation of questionnaires and other measurement instruments.
- Other statistical techniques (Bayesian analysis, meta-analysis).