Genomics and Proteomics Platform
La Genomics Platform provides genotyping services with autonomous use equipment, such as real-time PCR, and Mass Sequencing or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using the Ion-S5 platform from Thermo Fisher Scientific, based on semiconductor technology. It also provides a technical and methodological advisory service.
La Proteomics Platform It has state-of-the-art equipment for the analysis of the interaction of biomolecules, using surface plasmon resonance technology, with assay validation, capable of providing solutions to most of the problems posed in the area of Interactomics. In addition, the Platform is equipped with a Bio-Plex multiparametric analyzer with Luminex technology, which allows the simultaneous quantification and detection of different proteins (cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, etc.), producing results comparable to traditional ELISAs, but with greater efficiency and dynamic range. Additionally, the Proteomics platform has equipment available to perform 1D and 2D electrophoresis, as well as reading of gels and blots in visible, chemiluminescent and fluorescent modes, with the capacity for normalization using “stain-free” technology.
Both Platforms are located on the 1st Floor, Old Management Building, San Cecilio Hospital, Avd. Madrid sn de Granada. Surface: 61.45 m2
There are two types of service provision:
- Use of the equipment, in self-service or with the support of the Responsible Specialist Technicians. The cost of using the equipment is specified in the document “Rates".
- Performance of Specific Techniques by the Responsible Technicians. The cost of these techniques is low budget, since it depends on their complexity and the number of samples to be made. This modality is not carried out in the Genomics Platform. Specific Techniques Proteomics Platform:
- BIACORE T200. Equipment for the analysis of interaction between biomolecules using surface plasmon resonance technology with assay validation.
- AKTA PURE Medium Pressure Chromatography Equipment. Equipment used in purification techniques for biomolecules such as proteins or nucleic acids.
- Real Time-PCR equipment:
- GFX96 from BioRad.
- QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System. Thermo-Fisher Sci
- 2720 Applied Biosystems Thermal Cycler.
- Nucleic acid electrophoresis equipment.
- Nano Drop ND-One-W.
- Image analyzers:
- ChemiDoc XRS +
- ChemiDoc MP
- Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software
- Luminex equipment (Bio-Plex 200 BioRad).
- Systems for performing 1D and 2D vertical electrophoresis (also DIGE technology), western blotting and image acquisition of gels and membranes.
- Mini-PROTEAN TetraCell and Criterion Cell, Bio-Rad.
- Protean IEF Cell, Bio-Rad. IPGPhor3, GE Healthcare.
- Ettan DALTsix Electrophoresis, MultiTemp III Thermostatic Circulator and EPS 601 Power Suply, GE Healthcare.
- Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Transfer Cell, Bio-Rad.
- ELISA plate and protein array reading:
- Triad Multimode Reader, Dynex.
- Variouskam Lux multimode, Thremo Fisher Sci.
- EpMotion 96 dispensing robot with 2 Eppendorf working positions.